February 21, 2025
Steven Spielberg apparently ‘loves’ Call of Duty games

Steven Spielberg apparently ‘loves’ Call of Duty games

Key Takeaways

  • Steven Spielberg, a big PC gamer, loves Call of Duty and enjoys the campaign.
  • Spielberg’s interest in gaming makes sense given his previous work on the Medal of Honor series.

Legendary film director Steven Spielberg is a big fan of the Call of duty series, according to his son, Max Spielberg. A recent interview confirmed that the director of Rescuing Private Ryan “loves” the Call of duty games, with PC being his platform of choice.

Call of duty is one of the major players in gaming. The series last missed an annual release in 2004, which is a staggering amount of consistency considering the high level of quality across the board. Players are the best at debating Call of duty games forever, but overall the series has set a high bar that it continues to equal every year thanks to the rotating developers of Infinity Ward, Treyarch and Sledgehammer Games. Every year, the annual Call of duty game continues to sell like hot cakes, with the Black operations And Modern warfare series’ remain the franchise’s main attractions.

In an interview with MinnMax, Steven Spielberg’s son Max Spielberg confirmed that the legendary director is a huge gamer, saying: “He plays games, he’s a big PC gamer… He says, ‘Hey, what is good, what’s new?’ If I’m playing, send me a list of the top five shooters and I’ll have them downloaded and we can play them together when you get home.” Spielberg also claimed, “It’s always a call from Duty. He likes Call of Duty; he enjoys the campaign… I always try to get him to play Uncharted, you know, ‘it’s Indiana Jones, you would appreciate this’, and he’s always ‘I can’. I don’t do controllers, I just do keyboard and mouse.'” It’s cool to know that Hollywood’s finest can appreciate some of the best FPS games when he sees them.

Steven Spielberg is a PC gamer and Call of Duty player

Spielberg’s interest in the Call of duty franchise, and gaming in general, makes a lot of sense. After direction Rescuing Private Ryan in 1998, Spielberg went on to create the Medal of Honor series together with developer DreamWorks Interactive and publisher EA. For a brief period in the early to mid-2000s, Medal of Honor And Call of duty competed against each other, with the latter ultimately winning. That is impossible to mention Ready Player Oneor. Spielberg’s 2018 film was almost a love letter to the video game medium, adapting Ernest Cline’s novel of the same name.

It’s always Call of Duty. He likes Call of Duty; he enjoys the campaign.

It won’t be long now until 2024 Call of duty title, BlackOps6is finally released. Treyarch is back in the driver’s seat, with the final game in the series coming in 2020 Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Recently, BlackOps6 has confirmed some multiplayer changes based on beta feedback, with weapon damage and spawn logic being changed for the upcoming release. Let’s hope Call of Duty: Black Ops6 has a cinematic campaign that lives up to its predecessors; Steven Spielberg is counting on it.

call-of-duty franchise operation

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